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Castle Party 2014

Castle Party 2014

2014-07-24 / morrigan / Reads: 15814

The castle in Bolków for dozen or so years has hosted the fans of dark sounds. Invariably the crowds of Goths have been coming here during hot summer  days to celebrate their festival. Castle Party, that’s what we are talking about, this year took place from 17th to 20th July...

Castle Party 2015

Castle Party 2015

2015-07-26 / morrigan / Reads: 11349

Following only apparently senseless statement that "not only life is important in life" for a few days a year we forget about every day matters, obligations, work and love disappointments. We pack our laces, tulle and latex and we travel towards… no, not towards the light at the end of...

Castle Party 2016

Castle Party 2016

2016-08-04 / morrigan / Reads: 11998

Every year, in the middle of the summer, very small town in Poland called Bolków becomes a destination for the fans of darkness. Some of them come here to listen to music, some to meet old friends or get to know new ones, there are also those who come to...

Castle Party 2017

Castle Party 2017

2017-07-23 / morrigan / Reads: 9332

Castle Party is a cyclical event taking place in a small town in Poland. In spite of existing for over twenty years already, it surprises us with something new every year. It may be musical revelation, or unexpected meeting or just dumplings. Some of the people just come here for...

Castle Party 2018

Castle Party 2018

2018-07-25 / morrigan / Reads: 7236

Dearest, Castle Party 2018 is already a part of history and honestly I don’t know how it happened. It seems like every year it goes faster. We’ve just arrived and here we are sharing our memories. This year’s edition was a bit different than previous ones. There were some changes...

Christian Death - Behind the Veil Tour

Christian Death - Behind the Veil Tour

2019-06-23 / khocico / Reads: 5126

On 21st of June, the legend of the Gothic scene – the band Christan Death – played in the Liverpool club in Wroclaw. A day later, the project also performed in Warsaw, in the club Poglos. Both concerts were part of Behind the Veil European tour. The band, whose influence...

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